Frequency specific brain training for peak performance
The THINK patented brain training system was developed through collaborative efforts among the world’s top laboratories, hospitals, and universities. Industry partners include scientists and representatives from top international institutions, such as: Columbia University, New York University Langone Medical Center, Mount Sinai Hospital, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, and Sapienza University in Rome. THINK's beneficial results are scientifically validated, and all claims are peer reviewed.
Our brain training system employs a state-of-the-art brain to computer interface, which is non-invasive, neuroscience-based, frequency specific neuromodulator, which is unlike any other device or system. Device is created in collaboration with HoneyBee Robotics, a NASA affiliate, and has been validated by correlated, double-blind sham-proof randomized clinical studies. The THINK system generates new neuronal pathways in the brain, strengthening the areas responsible for attention, executive function, organization and planning.
THINK is the patented, non-invasive, and scientifically validated neuro-game, developed with scientists from premier international hospitals and universities, which sustainably boosts dopamine production.
THINK increases attention, focus, resilience, and speed of thought.
THINK decreases stress, making you more effective, efficient, and happy.
THINK is fun, relaxing, and only requires 5 one hour sessions to achieve immediate and long lasting results.
You will sit comfortably and wear the lightweight THINK headband, which you will use to interface with our neuro-game. The session is relaxing, fun, effective and efficient, while also lasting only one hour, providing an immediate boost to your day. To achieve lasting results, THINK is done in a series of 5 sessions, ideally consecutively.
Initially, at least one of the following: sharpened focus, improved relaxation, or uplifted mood. Subsequently, brain will begin creating new, more efficient, pathways, improving neuroplasticity. Furthermore, users report increased clarity and work efficiency, overall strong performance. Finally, at least two of the following: rerouted executive pathways and significant increases in mental resilience, speed of processing, cognitive efficacy, and academic performance. Some clients experience reduction of pain, increased mobility, and better sports performance.
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